Solo Exhibition
Studio & Gallery
Durango, Colorado
May, 2019
"My grandma had that blender..." and suddenly in your memory you can smell Sunday dinner and you are in your grandmother's kitchen. Dig that linoleum floor!
"I had that Tonka Truck..." and you are transported to a summer day playing in the sandbox of your youth. You and your sister are moving sand around like it's your job.
This marketplace of memories is yours for the exploring.
On the surface, this may seem to be a collection of vector illustrations of miscellaneous objects. Thrown together with seemingly no common denominator. After all, What is a garage sale, if not a random assemblage of miscellany? Things that once had purpose and meaning for someone, offered up in hopes of them moving to their next life and having a new meaning for someone else.
With Garage Sale I've presented these objects void of context in order to let you choose what they mean to you. Much like they were laying on a table at a random garage sale, these items are ready for their next life. Their next story.
All these pieces meant something to me as I was making them, but now I'm offering them up to you. I'm done with them, they aren't mine anymore. They are now ready for a new life. What do they mean to you? Will they trigger a memory? Will they make you think of someone? Perhaps you will simply be reminded of your fondness of yellow?
Everything is just a thing. Objects, people, emotions. It's what we put behind and around these things that makes them something of value or trouble. Something to help us, or to hurt us. Something to make us happy or sad.
Welcome to my garage sale, have a look around won't you? I hope you find something you like.