1975:  Mao, Ford, Kissenger
1976:  Grandpa in a dress
1977:  Uncle Chuck
1978:  Nick & Noah
1979:  Chubby and Draped in Velour (how I spent the 1970s)
1980:  Linoleum from the kitchen of my childhood
1981:  Exercise bike I got my hand caught in
1982:  Coy & Vance Duke
1983:  The phone from the kitchen of my childhood
1984: Kirk Gibson of the World Champion Detroit Tigers (He don’t want to walk you...)
1985:  Big Boy
1986:  Space Shuttle Challenger
1987:  Divorce
1988:  Zapper
1989:  Apple IIgs
1990:  Techmo Bowl (Lawrence Taylor will block your kick)
1991:  The shoes I was wearing when I was cut from the basketball team
1992:  1986 Ford Bronco II (my first car)
1993:  Cordless Phone
1994:  OJ Simpson
1995:  Simpsons Boat
1996:  509 Evergreen, East Lansing, Mich.
1997:  Cassette Tape (Maxell XLII)
1998:  The all too familiar sound of an empty wine bottle hitting the ground
1999:  Busted,  Van Horn, Texas, Valentines Day
2000:  Y2K, it’s not the computers you have to worry about, it’s the zippers
2001:  A Tuesday Morning
2002:  Foul Ball off the bat of Randall Simon
2003:  Welcome Steve Bartman
2004:  Four More Years...
2005:  Somewhere in Northwest Ontario
2006:  That one just off that rock
2007:  Tethered
2008:  The Red Bowling Ball with no holes (That’s all I need) or, it’s funny what’ll start you on a new path
2009:  Jan Fris, Canoeist
2010:  The phone booth of my happiness
2011:  Ernie Brown
2012:  The Olympic Peninsula. The best of times
2013:  Pruple Haze
2014:  Duluth, Minnesota - in the aftermath of the Canadian broken leg
2015:  Self Portrait, December
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